Work with me to build your YOU-shaped career and shift into action with ease

Because lasting change comes when we connect with our subconscious - the part of us that is pulling the strings

There are several ways to work together so you can get out that rut and help you to take action.

Let’s get you on the right track…


One day to focus on defining your YOU-shaped career or business, whist releasing the core emotions holding you back.

Coming away feeling free, clear and activated to crack on with making bold changes

Perfect if you have you have a bubbling desire for more in your career or business. But you don’t know where to start or you need a subconscious boost to get you moving towards you goals.

Shift to Shine

1:1 subconscious transformation sessions to reveal and release the subconscious programming keeping you stuck.

Drawing from a toolkit of belief shifting techniques, such as EFT & Matrix Re-imprinting

Perfect if your goals and vision are crystal clear and you’re working towards them, but you you’re not getting to where you want to be and you keep getting in your own way.

Journey to Awesome

1:1 subconscious transformation coaching journey to create the awesome business you desire.

Discover your YOU-shaped business, shift past your limiting beliefs & programming and take aligned action with ease

Perfect if you know big & exciting changes are on the horizon and you’re looking for clear direction and longer-term support to get you there.

Transformation Session

90 minute one-off blast of 1:1 Transformative Coaching - accessing the power of your subconscious mind to shift what's holding you back and spring into action.

Perfect if you’re faced with a mindset hurdle, you would like to shift a specific behaviour, belief or habit. Or, if you want to give this subconscious transformation malarky a go.

My 5 Pillar Process

to discover and build a YOU-shaped career that lights you up

Springboard Day and Journey to Awesome will take you through the full 5-stages giving you clarity, confidence and conviction build a career that lights you up. The main difference between the two is the time we have together and therefore level of subconscious transformation.

Shift to Shine focusses on the very important second step so that you’re free from what’s holding you back

1. Dare to Dream

Open the door and peek into your truest desires

2. Shift to shine

Release the subconscious programming keeping you stuck

3. Know YourSELF

Connect with your true-self & discover what really lights you up

4. Quantum support

Prepare for growth and gather your support team

5. Your Future in Focus

Prepare & activate your subconscious so the change you seek is inevitable

Wondering which option would be perfect for you?

Let’s chat