You know where you’re going… 
it’s time to get your subconscious on board to make it happen! 

Hello, frustrated dream seeker! 

Are you tired of feeling stuck and unable to make progress in your career or business?

You've put together your goals, strategies, and plans, but something is holding you back.

Your inner critic is given a megaphone, and an invisible forcefield comes up, stopping you from taking action.

You’re propelled into a state of procrastination, overthinking, battling money stories, fearing failure and imposter syndrome

Guess what? You're not alone!

This is a natural, yet avoidable, reaction to stepping out of your comfort zone and growing into a new version of yourself.

Before you press the F*CK-it button and put your dreams on the back-burner, I want you to know

I have developed a 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to help you to lovingly dismantle your subconscious forcefield.

If you want to make a success of your big gutsy career or business goals in the next 3-6 months, then buckle up buttercup.

This one’s for you!

Hi, I’m Freya, a Career Coach with a difference.

I'm on a mission to empower women who are yearning to achieve more in their careers or business. Whether that be more money, more balance, more growth…more confidence to find success doing what lights you up.

I have a knack for helping overthinking, ambitious, women to get out of their heads and tune into a hidden part of themselves - the subconscious - so that you can:

  • peek behind the curtain of your desires, 

  • work out what you really want (no bs-ing) 

  • release & re-programme their subconscious to get out of your own way, and enact and attract with ease. 

This is what lights me up! There’s no escaping it. Even at parties you’ll find me talking to friends, and often strangers, about their career goals and aspirations. 

With almost a decade of experience supporting individuals far from the job market to build their careers, when I returned to the world of coaching in 2020 I inevitably found a way to combine my newly acquired subconscious transformation techniques with my love of career & business coaching. And here we are! 

When I’m not coaching, you can find me juggling two wonderfully energetic children, delving into an interior design project, or planning an excuse to get people together.

I do things a little differently
  • Your subconscious is like a computer programming that keeps us alive. It is also the home of our core beliefs and emotions.

    When we make big changes in our lives, it is our subconscious that is pulling the strings, as it’s keeping us safe (but stuck). And there’s not a lot of conscious thinking that will break the cycle

    That’s why I draw upon a unique toolbox of subconscious transformation practices and techniques - such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting (EFT’s dynamic cousin), combined with traditional career and life coaching - to get to the subconscious root of what’s stopping you in your tracks and release it from the source.

  • Our minds are like sponges, especially between the ages of 0-7, absorbing messages and experiences that shape our beliefs. These buried beliefs within our subconscious are what keep us safe but also hold us back, preventing us from fully realising our conscious aspirations.

    We can reveal and safely re-tell and release these stories - using subconscious transformation techniques - to melt away the limiting beliefs and behaviours connected to them and release the hold that they have on you, easily and effortlessly.

  • This powerful process releases your blocks at the root. Empowering you to confidently embrace your ambitions, conquer procrastination, overcome money blocks, and liberate yourself from fear of failure, among other obstacles.

    From here, you will have the inner-confidence and freedom to work towards your goals.

Unlike traditional career coaching, which focuses solely on connecting your dreams and aspirations with clear goals using willpower and conscious effort to overcome obstacles, my approach takes things a step further.

I help you connect with the hidden world within you - your subconscious. Through this process, we re-programme your mind to subliminally seek opportunities and address internal obstacles, such as mindset blocks, empowering you to confidently take action towards achieving your goals.

I have had the privilege to work with driven women, helping them to make fundamental changes in their career, which have had a ripple effect throughout their lives.

I love to hear about the profound impact that this work has, and the speed in which change can happen.

Clients often say that it feels like magic, yet it makes complete sense when you know how it works. 

This is from a follow-up conversation I had with one of my clients.

This client came to me because she wanted to feel more confident and visible in her business. During our sessions, we uncovered the subconscious stories that were causing her fear of being seen and taking up space. Then we released the power those stories had over her.

It was a transformative experience for her, and now she now feels more confident and is amazed at how much easier it is for her to build her business.

“I believe that every woman has the right to feel empowered by their career choices - whatever they may be - and I’m here to help you to get out of your own way and realise your own ambition and potential”

What if…
  • You had the time and space to get to the root of what’s holding you back and dampening your aspirations and released your go-to self-limiting beliefs or mindset blocks that keep tying you up in knots?

  • You had the confidence to turn those beautifully laid out plans to transform your career or business into a reality?

  • You were able to say yes to amazing opportunities because your inner critic has been lulled to sleep?

  • You could take up space in your career or business and shine brightly, whether that’s on stage, in interviews or when working with others

Step into emotional freedom today with Shift to Shine and embark on a transformative journey to success.


Shift to Shine

The 1:1 subconscious transformation coaching programme for women stuck in their professional journey.

Release unhelpful subconscious programming, silence your inner critic, break free of the self-sabotage to achieve your career or business goals with confidence.

This is for you if: 

  • You know what you want and have the goals, strategy and beautifully laid out plans...yet progress is like walking through treacle 

  • You’re ready to grow and stretch beyond your comfort zone, with the personal strength and confidence to turn your beautifully laid out plans into a reality

  • You have two or three recurring ‘mindset blocks’ or unhelpful behaviours - eg, imposter syndrome, visibility fears, comparison-itis, fear of failure - which, when released, will free you to level up and shine

  • You're often ‘caught up in your own head’, allowing your conscious mind to rule the roost and it’s holding you back

  • You're ready to give yourself time to reveal, release and reprogramme the subconscious stories keeping you stuck through supportive 1:1 sessions integrating dynamic techniques, such as EFT.

This is NOT for you if: 

  • You’re unsure of the changes you’re working towards - if this is the case Springboard will be perfect for you

  • You don’t have the capacity to make time for 1:1 sessions - There can be a level of flexibility around the length of sessions etc; however, it’s important to maintain regular sessions

  • You have a fixed mindset - this work requires a level of openness to try new things. ‘It’s witchcraft’ is something that I hear frequently from clients, yet believe me, it’s rooted in science

  • You’re looking for someone to hold your hand every step of the way - the sessions equip you with the emotional freedom to deal with your own challenges

  • You need help with writing a CV, completing job applications, business strategy - you know what you need to be doing, we will focus on why you’re not doing it

You can expect: 

  • 1:1 coaching sessions over 6-12  weeks (you choose the pace)

  • The sessions are designed to focus on 2-3 of your most frequent and frustrating limiting behaviours and beliefs that are keeping you stuck - from procrastination, money blocks, to fear of failure (the list is endless & unique to you) 

  • Time and space to safely explore how your past experiences - using EFT/Matrix Re-imprinting + other subconscious transformation tools & techniques - are impacting your future through the choices you make, with a trauma-informed coach,

  • To permanently release your go-to unhelpful beliefs, mindset blocks and behaviours and replace with supportive ones that will help you take action quickly

Imagine trusting in your ability to create the career you've envisioned with such ease that it feels almost surreal.

Shift to Shine can make that a reality for you.

By focusing on two or three main behaviours or patterns that hinder your career or business goals, we'll work together to bring about powerful positive changes.

For example, a previous client of mine was able to release the belief that she had to compromise her career for her family – a belief deeply ingrained in her subconscious due to stories from her past.

As a result of our work together, she confidently pursued jobs that aligned with her dreams and aspirations, ultimately securing her dream job within three months. She continues to love her work while successfully balancing family life in a way of her own design.

Why wait?

Aren’t your dreams too tantalisingly wonderful to leave to chance, and hope that decades of programming will magically shift of its own accord?

In just 6-12 weeks, Shift to Shine can facilitate permanent mindset shifts, directing your subconscious towards your dreams and enabling you to take bold steps forward in your career or business with ease.

And, as an added bonus, Shift to Shine includes free access to my Tap Yourself Free workshop, ensuring you have EFT readily available to tap into whenever you need it all areas of life.

Now is the time to lovingly break down the forcefield holding you back and build your career or business with newfound confidence and ease.

Freya Powell, Career Coach in Brighton winking

So you’re ready to feel the ease that comes when your subconscious and conscious mind are working in harmony to achieve your goals?

It’s time embark on this transformative journey with Shift to Shine

What your Shift to Shine experience will look like

x1 60-minute Reality Check Session (on Zoom or in-person in Brighton): This initial session will explore the issues blocking your progress and create a unique plan for our time together. 

You’ll also be gently introduced to the power of EFT/Tapping and its potential to transform your mindset. Allowing your subconscious to ease into this new way of working together. 

x5 90-minute 1:1 Shift to Shine Sessions: This is where the magic happens. 

These subconscious transformation sessions will utilise a range of techniques - mainly EFT & Matrix Reimprinting - tailored to suit your specific needs. We'll delve into your self-limiting beliefs, address the associated emotions, and work towards reframing your subconscious memories for lasting change.

Plus, there’s the bonus access to Tap Yourself Free, so that you can learn how to use EFT/Tapping at home as and when you need. Giving you a skill that you can use for a lifetime to help process heavy emotions or unhelpful thoughts and behaviours

Shift to Shine investment is


or x3 monthly payments of £297

Next steps: 

  • Click the button below to schedule a connection call with me and complete the intake form .

  • During the free 20 minute call we’ll get clear on where you’re at and whether Shift to Shine, and myself, are a good fit for you. We can also discuss any questions you may have. 

  • We can decide whether to hold the 1:1 sessions on Zoom or in-person (in Brighton)

  • Once you sign up you will get access to a booking system to arrange all your 1:1 sessions that fit into your schedule. Plus access to the Tap Yourself Free mini-course. 

  • Then buckle up for one amazing transformative experience

And finally

There may be countless stories flying around about doom and gloom. However, the truth is the world needs people who are doing work that they love, where focus and passion breeds productivity and growth. 

It’s your time to shine, no matter what the media, or your subconscious mind, is telling you.

Shift to Shine will help you silence the inner voice keeping you stuck and start a journey to emotional freedom so that you can sparkle in your zone of genius and change your world. 

Don’t wait to get to the point where your career or business aspirations fade due to pushing against your subconscious programming and getting nowhere. Take the first step towards building your YOU-shaped career with ease.


  • That’s all good. Part of our 1:1 sessions will be to reveal what beliefs and blocks are at the core of the behaviour that is holding you back. From there we will release them using EFT.

  • What’s amazing about working on a subconscious-level is that you don’t need to know how it works, or even believe in it for it to work…it just does it’s job regardless. That being said, I’m the type of person who likes things to ‘make sense’ and I’m fairly wary of bold statements about mystical interventions - I guess you’re similar?

    That’s why I love this work, as it’s rooted in well-researched techniques - e.g. Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). If you’d like to find out more about how your subconscious works, then head here to learn more (link to resources)

    I’m also aware that some people feel unsure about subconscious work, it may even be a little daunting. If you're the same, then it may be helpful to know that I'm a trauma-informed coach, and I use techniques to safely release emotions and beliefs stored within your subconscious. I always have your well-being at heart and we will go at a pace that feels good for you.

    If something comes up that requires specific support, I am always open and will discuss referring onwards, should I feel that's in your best interest.

    Any more questions? Book in a free 30-minute Connection Call with me

  • For sure! I believe that running a business or being an entrepreneur is a career choice. My expertise is focusing on YOU, NOT just what you DO.

    I focus on supporting people with their careers as that’s what lights me up…I love to see people making money with what’s aligned with their purpose and passion.

    I also know from experience, the challenges of running a business, many of which are rooted at a subconscious level and a Springboard Day is a perfect opportunity for you to focus on your desire for change and the future of your business.