Hi, I’m Freya Powell

it's nice to meet you!

I believe that empowerment comes from doing what lights us up, in a way that’s in alignment with our innate values, dreams and talents. 

Freya Powell Career Coach in Brighton

You know that feeling when you know something’s gotta change.

But you’re not sure what, how or when…and you seem to keep getting in your own way?

I can help you with that!

To help you to get out of that rut and help you to take action. Because lasting change comes when we connect with our subconscious - the part of us that is pulling the strings.

‘It all makes sense in the rearview mirror of life’ 

Looking back, it’s no surprise that I am here right now, ready to support you in this way. 

Soon after graduating with a psychology degree, I built a career in motivating and supporting people to make lasting changes in their careers and lives.

Working with people furthest away from the job market to help them secure meaningful employment. And later - as Career Coach for a national charity - supporting people on a deeper-level with coaching methods. 

However, it wasn't until I faced the challenges of starting my own business - off the back of a 5 year career in raising children - that I really met my invisible forcefield. Fear of failure, procrastination (in all its forms), self-doubt…all of them reared their head as I attempted to get my business set up. 

So I delved deeper... and integrated techniques I had trained in - eg. EFT, Hypnosis & NLP - to pull down the forcefield and elevate the power of my subconscious. And created shifts and changes in my life and business that blew my mind.

I introduced this work to my clients...and the magic kept coming:

  • Dream job opportunities 

  • Pivoting a business to match my client’s values and to focus on what they enjoyed

  • Moving countries for better work-life balance 

  • Finding love

  • Buying the dream house 

  • Recovery from over-working and creating a business that feels easy

  • Better relationship with loved ones

  • Confidence to show up, be visible and take up more space in their career

I saw that so much is possible when you utilise your subconscious! I may be career-focussed, as it’s what lights me up, yet I know from experience that it filters down to all areas of life.

I’d love to share the magic with you! 

To empower you to show up with more confidence, and be free to take action without the inner-critic and self-sabotage. 

I believe women who are empowered to build lives and careers in alignment with their values are a powerful force for good. And I’m here for all of that! 

I want you to take space in this world and spend time making money doing what lights you up, in a way that feels great for you.

Helping you do that is what lights me up!

I believe in your transformation...are you ready to take a step towards it?

I see that little girl within you dreaming for more.

A 'more' that's yours for the making…

Something of your own desire and design 

I help you to connect to that little girl.

To listen to her dreams and release her fears, so that you have the clarity, confidence and emotional freedom to make big bold steps towards the change you both desire.

I believe that we all have the answers within us. Yet we’re programmed to ignore our intuition, values and desires, in order to do what’s expected of us.

I help you to connect with your subconscious and re-set the programming so that you’re able attract and enact with ease.

I know how frustrating it is to have a bubbling desire for change in your career and life, yet making that change feels like walking through treacle. 

You’ve been met by your invisible force-field, stopping you in your tracks. 

Procrastination, imposter syndrome, self-sabotage, the fear of failure....nope it's safer to just turn around and hide. 

This is your subconscious programming keeping you safe, but stuck. The good news is that, just like a computer, you’re able to work with your programming, to create change that feels great.

HowI can help you 

You don’t know what you really want, after years of compromising? 

It’s all good, because working on a subconscious level means that we can unlock what you really want to do. You get reframe your priorities and do more of what you love, giving you the capacity to balance the inevitable compromises of life.

Tired of getting in your own way and giving you inner-critic a megaphone? 

I’ve got you. We can dig deep and release the stories and unhelpful beliefs that are holding you back, easily and effectively, so that you’re free to move forward with confidence

Want to crack on with making that change? 

We get to re-programme your mind and activate your subconscious so that it’s a driving force for the change you desire in your career.

Are you ready to create that ‘you-shaped’ career, and wake up with…

…the clarity that you’re on the right path

…the confidence to forge ahead, with control of your inner-critic and self-sabotage

…the conviction to make the change happen because you and you subconscious are working towards the same goal?

Will the real Freya Powell please stand up? 

Here’s a little more about me…

  • I’m a mum of two young and amazingly spirited children, and I work my business around them

  • I’m a Londoner born and bred, yet I’ve made my home in Brighton and have lived here since 2011

  • Festivals are my happy place - green landscapes, live music/DJs and cold cider, what’s not to love? Except putting up the tent

  • I love home renovation work… the visualising, the planning, the transformation…I love it all

  • I’ve been perfecting the skill of saying ‘yes’ to doing more things that light me up and leading by example for my kids - especially for my daughter

  • When I graduated I declared that I would be a hypnotherapist…20 years later here I am, trained in hypnosis

  • I love diving deep into a topic, and I’ve also trained in nutrition…yet I kept coming back to career coaching because it’s what lights me up

My toolkit

I often work with women who describe themselves as ‘in their own head’ and like details (I’m the same). So for you, here’s some CV-worthy details of the my skills and experience which I will draw-upon when supporting you:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (Level 1 & 2) Practitioner - trained by one of the EFT Founding Masters

  • Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner (like EFT, but on steroids)

  • Certified Shift Method Facilitator (hypnosis, NLP, life and success coaching + subconscious transformation techniques)

  • Certified Career Coach (trained whilst working for Crisis, UK)

  • A decade’s experience as a Career Coach

  • Worked for a well-known national charity, coaching people with multiple challenges to find work that lights them up

  • Psychology (BSc) degree - my love of learning what makes us tick has been there throughout my life

LET’S connect.

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Want to chat about getting to where you want to be in your career?