Transformation Session

90 minutes of 1:1 subconscious transformation coaching

90 minute one-off blast of 1:1 Transformative Coaching - accessing the power of your subconscious mind to shift what's holding you back and spring into action.

You’re on the edge of something amazing, yet you keep thinking…

If only I could:

....stop doing X

....start doing Y

....see Z differently

....shift that one belief or behaviour that is keeping me stuck in my career, business or life.

We've all been there, and sometimes all it takes is a short-sharp dose of subconscious re-programming to get you on the right track again.

Over the 90-minutes together we will get hyper-focused on what's keeping you stuck and draw from a toolkit of subconscious transformation techniques - including EFT (tapping), hypnosis, NLP + more - to work on one key issue and to great lasting transformation in real-time.

A Transformation Session is perfect for you, if:

  • You're at a crossroads and would like to gain clarity or help to make a decision, or to to reconcile conflicting dreams and desires

  • You've faced a specific hurdle in your journey and would like support to jump over it and take action, free home specific behaviours holding you back

  • You'd love a subconsciously-activated boost to create confidence, energy or motivation, instead of a lack of self belief or persistent low enthusiasm

Book your 90-minute 1:1 session with Freya here


Available on Zoom. If you would like a face to face session in Brighton book via this link.

I can't wait to see what's possible for you!

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